05 March 2010

blender assignment 05

I decided to use a simple object for my texture map, so I made a basic cylinder and textured it with an image I found on cgtextures.com. After texturing the object I was able to add outlines for a "toon" rendering effect, that will hopefully come in handy for our game.

Here are the steps for adding outlines to the object:
  1. in the materials panel, under the "Shaders" tab, set the shaders to "Toon"

  2. next, go to the "Scene" button, under the "Output" tab turn the "Edges" button on

  3. finally, click the "Edge Settings" and adjust the edge intensity (Eint) *note: the higher you set this value, the more edges blender will try to outline, so be sure to test your settings by rendering a preview
